Tuesday, April 1, 2008

That One Simple Thing...

So, we're juggling the job, the children, life in general - and the question arises, "How can we find balance and still be effective?" After reading this article about doing just one thing each morning that allows you to relax-relate-release, I started thinking about what that one thing could be for me. As much as I really didn't want to, I started getting up a half hour earlier to experience "early morning calm" - you know, when everything is super quiet, and you can simply sit and and allow your mind to be clear. It was during one of these mornings that I received the word "simplification" (more on this one later!) and was able to inject the meaning of this word into daily activity. Simplification helps us to gain ground, simply because we're not hauling extra baggage. Here are 3 things you can do immediately to simplify your thought-life:
1. Spend an extra minute with a loved one.Being a multi-tasker has to be moderated! When you want to pull away, just linger a minute longer...holding your little one...in the arms of your husband...on the phone with your parents. Do it intentionally and take a moment to just bask.
2. Take a deep breath. Kemiko, a sista-preneur in Atlanta, shared a great breathing tip with me. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for 3 seconds, and let it out through one nostril. Repeat on the other side. Once you do it, you feel re-energized from the extra dose of oxygen!
3. Assume the Best! It takes so much energy to be angry. Assume the best, and just let it go!

What's your idea for simplifying your life? Leave your comments here, in the discussion area!
1,000 Blessings~erinshellanthony

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