Monday, April 14, 2008

Women in Business...Gettin' Ready!

by erinshellanthony

NSNetwork is full of women who have business ideas, and I've already seen a few floating around in the Sistah-preneurs group! However, thinking about drafting a business plan is just about as exciting as watching an elephant draw a self-portrait...or maybe the elephant is more exciting. Sometimes the best ideas start small, like on a napkin. As you think about your business, keep in mind a few of the best pointers I've ever received:
1. Start small. Take your idea. Cut it in half. Mission accomplished! Many business owners have grand dreams. When I started adaru natural hair salon, this advice (thank God I took it!) forced me to think outside of the box and get creative. For example, instead of furnishing the salon with the select Pier One furniture I picked out, I got on the road and drove to Ikea and spent about 25% of what was initially planned!

2. Dream big. Have a vision. Be willing to take it in steps, but keep the future vision in front of you at all times. There will be times when no one understands what you're trying to do...not your BFF, not your relatives, not your __fill in the blank__! Execute your vision in steps, and welcome success in every form that it appears, even the very small forms, and it will continue to come.

More on business tips and a *Product Giveaway!* I've been getting ready JUST for NSN members...later on! Comments

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